BE 2024 Conference

Helping women in healthcare, professionals and mothers overcome burnout, take control of their calendars, and create daily time for themselves.

What Makes the BE24 Conference Unique?

Day 1: Is all about your EMPOWERMENT.

What do you get with your paid conference registration? EVERYTHING.
✔ UNBELIEVABLE CME speakers and programming you won’t hear elsewhere 
✔ FREE private executive coaching &legal advice 
✔ Mentoring breakfasts & delish food 
✔ Networking champagne parties to meet incredible leaders in medicine  
✔ Dinner, Dance and Gala INCLUDED in your conference ticket 
✔ Small group discussions where YOUR questions are answered by the experts 
✔ All at the TOP SPA resorts in Scottsdale! 
✔ Afternoons off to spa, relax by the luxurious pools, rest and recharge 
✔ Private headshots, shopping, and resources brought in specifically for women physicians 

We make it EASY to come to everything. Our parties, gala, and coaching is all included with your CME registration. Why? I get how busy you are and I want YOU to relax.


Tired? Overwhelmed? Burned out? Feeling like you are constantly failing?

It's not you, it's the system. Let me teach you how to overcome it.

3 Things Every Women in Healthcare Needs to Stay Well

Here are my TOP 3 TIPS for you - a woman physician - to stay in control of your work and home life despite what is going on around you.

Free Download HERE

Book Sasha to Speak at Your Next Event

Sasha is a Keynote Speaker and Author who speaks on the topics of burnout, boundaries, and gender equity. Speaking is her passion and she brings energy and encouragement to each audience.

Book Sasha HERE

Need More Time in Your Day?

I can help! As a physician, author, entrepreneur, and mom of four, the SECRET to my health and success is not doing more yoga or eating Keto. It's how I manage my time.

Free Download HERE

I'm Dr. Sasha Shillcutt.

Successful Anesthesiologist. Wife to a great husband. Mom to four amazing kids. Roles as a daughter, sister, friend… BUT IT WASN’T ENOUGH.

I couldn’t understand why — despite all my external achievements — I was so miserable. I was exhausted, overcommitted, and empty. It took me a lot of self-reflection and hard work, but I came to understand that I had been hiding. I’d lost my authentic self, and it was time to find that real Sasha again.

And when I did, I became committed to helping women walk their path back to themselves. Now, I reach tens of thousands of women annually through my podcast, courses, events, book, and membership community.

As a female physician life and career coach, I am creating the tools and community I wished I had for so many years. Together, we are redefining “success,” and learning to put ourselves at the center of our lives. We’re discovering who we were created to be in all our fullness and beauty.

Learn More About Sasha

Are you a working woman or female in medicine who is struggling to find balance in your life?

Are you feeling burned out from constantly juggling your work life and home life and failing everywhere?

Then you've come to the right place. As a female physician life and career coach, I have a variety of resources to get you started from an amazing community of females in medicine and professional women. Enneagram courses that help you better understand your core motivations, and conferences and retreats where we bring together strong women leaders in healthcare to discuss topics that affect all of us.

New Book: Brave Boundaries

Strategies to Say No, Stand Strong, and Take Control of Your Time

This Book Will Teach You How To:

Protect your mental health while providing opportunities for joy and growth.
Learn to say no to others and say yes to yourself.
Implement boundaries so you can live an empowered and peaceful life.
Get Sasha's New Book: Brave Boundaries

Will You Join Us in Becoming Brave Enough?

Join for weekly life hacks for busy women, exclusive updates, and early access to new programs and conferences!


Watch this if you are wondering "Is it burnout or am I just tired"?


Watch this if you need to learn "How to set boundaries with your kids"


Watch this if you are a mom "Wanting to beat burnout"



Being 'just enough brave' means showing up for yourself in a world that isn't comfortable with women doing so, and saying I am choosing my well-being over being liked."

Dr. Sasha Shillcutt, Brave Boundaries