BE 2025 Conference

Welcome to The Table By Brave Enough®

A private, safe society for women physicians to gain work-life control. Sasha's community is off social media, a protected place for women to find out how to manage things like time management, gender bias, and navigating egos in the workplace. It's private, confidential, and the mentoring you have always wanted in a safe, closed environment. 

Three women wearing pink t-shirts and their backs to the camera hugging each other.

What do you get with the Table? 

  • Weekly Teaching & Coaching Videos by Sasha
  • Everything is ON DEMAND in an App on your Phone
  • Supportive,  Safe Community off Social Media
  • Private Access to Sasha for Coaching Questions
  • Topics for Learning that MATTER to Women
  • All-Access Discounts on ALL Brave Enough Events and Courses 
  • Monthly CME Webinar on a High Yield Topic with Special Guest Speakers
Join a community created for women physicians like you, today!


I created The Table because I needed a safe place to discuss topics and find help for common struggles that we as working women go through. I wanted a place women physicians felt safe to ask a question, read encouraging posts, get coaching, listen to a short videos on ways to improve your life and feel NORMAL. I wanted a place where women physicians could feel PERMISSION to set boundaries, prioritize their wellbeing, and find FRIENDS, mentors, and support. 

If you are lonely, isolated or burned out, you don’t have to be. The Table is for you. I hope you to see you there! Join HERE TODAY!

*Curious and want to check it out? You can for FREE for two weeks with no commitment! 

Join us NOW!
Female physician life and career coach Dr. Sasha Shillcutt seated and working on laptop

Knowledge and awareness empower women physicians. Brave Enough CME courses educate women on how to gain work-life control and provide data-driven methodology.

women physician group seated on stylish couches earning continuing medical education (CME) credits while learning about physician burnout treatment

When high performing women support one another, remarkable change happens. The Brave Enough community is a safe place for accountability. 

female physician life and career coach Dr. Sasha Shillcutt with women physician group from Brave Enough CME conference about physician burnout in a group

Brave Enough supports the whole women; both professionally and personally.

Join The Table
Black and white photo of Dr. Sasha Shillcutt with a Brave Enough CME Conference attendee, taking a selfie.
Black and white photo of female physician and life coach Dr. Sasha Shillcutt in a group photo with physician burnout treatment CME conference attendees in a group photo.
Black and white of female physician life and career coach Dr. Sasha Shillcutt in a group photo of women physicians all in formal gowns, relaxed, looking at each other and laughing
Women physician life and career coach Dr. Sasha Shillcutt in a shiny formal gown standing in with three women physicians attending the Brave Enough CME conference on physician burnout treatment in black and white.
“ After joining this amazing group of women, I am a better physician, mother, and wife.  I have given my first talk at a national meeting, have been asked to review articles for peer journals, and have been invited to do research with leaders in my field.  All I did was speak up and put myself out there and believed in myself.


“I can't tell you how much I got out of Brave Balance and how happy I am to be a part of The Table. I want to thank you for doing what you do. The communities you build have been so validating to me and given me hope that I am not as isolated and alone as it feels sometimes."


*This is an EXCLUSIVE offer for ONLY Table members. Interested in joining us? Click below!

Here's What This Means EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOU:

  • The choice to be coached by Dr. Linda Street, Dr. Stephanie Byerly, or myself (and you can mix and match, meaning you are able to pick 30 minutes with one coach and 30 minutes with another if you choose)
  • Discounted coaching - you save $100! The cost for Table Members Only is $500 a month (2 sessions per month). Yes please!
Book Your Sessions

The Metro Omaha Medical Society designates this webinar series for a maximum of 12.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
This activity has been planned an implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of the Metro Omaha Medical Society and Brave Enough. The Metro Omaha Medical Society is accredited by the Nebraska Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

“ After joining this amazing group of women, I am a better physician, mother, and wife.  I have given my first talk at a national meeting, have been asked to review articles for peer journals, and have been invited to do research with leaders in my field.  All I did was speak up and put myself out there and believed in myself.


“I can't tell you how much I got out of Brave Balance and how happy I am to be a part of The Table. I want to thank you for doing what you do. The communities you build have been so validating to me and given me hope that I am not as isolated and alone as it feels sometimes."



The Table of Brave Enough is the ONLY professional membership group that meets both the professional and personal needs of high-achieving women

The Table Membership

$99/m or $999/y

Try it FREE for 14 days!

  • NEW IN 2023! Earn up to 12 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits by attending the monthly live coaching lectures 
  • Weekly high-impact, on-demand teaching 
  • Leadership Development for Women Leaders
  • Life tips and solid workplace advice
  • Concrete career coaching 
  • First-in-line access & discounts to Brave Enough courses, events, and more!

The Table Membership

$49/m or $499/y


  • NEW IN 2023! Earn up to 12 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits by attending the monthly live coaching lectures 
  • Weekly high-impact, on-demand teaching 
  • Leadership Development for Women Leaders
  • Life tips and solid workplace advice
  • Concrete career coaching 
  • First-in-line access & discounts to Brave Enough courses, events, and more!

The Metro Omaha Medical Society designates this webinar series for a maximum of 12.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
This activity has been planned an implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of the Metro Omaha Medical Society and Brave Enough. The Metro Omaha Medical Society is accredited by the Nebraska Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians.