The Best You Yet:
Three Myths to Unlearn
to Take Back Your Time in 2023

A FREE Three-Part Webinar Series:

Webinar 1: "Myth 1: I'm Too Old to Change"
Date: February 7, 2023 at 6PM CST
Webinar 2: "Myth 2: I'm Too Comfortable to Change"
Date: February 21, 2023 at 6PM CST
Webinar 3: "Myth 3: Can't Change the System, So Can't Change My Situation"
Date: February 27, 2023 at 6PM CST

Feeling like you can't change yourself because you have been burned out for too long? Or like the change you know you need to make to live healthier and have more time for yourself is just too uncomfortable?

Well, this webinar is EXACTLY what you need. You'll get: 

1. THREE 30-minute webinars about Three Myths to Unlearn to Take Back Your Time in 2023 (we'll be sending a replay straight to your inbox 💌)

2. Strategies that allow you to live life empowered and understand how small changes can have large impact on your day-to-day well-being.

Maybe you are desperate to make a change, but find you have given up because you cannot change the system around you. Don't worry, I can help.