BE 2025 Conference


Sashaā€™s Thoughts on Wellness, Women in the Workplace, Motherhood, and Medicine.

Thriving Together: How Strong Communities Empower The Mental Health of Working Women May 26, 2023

Isn't it remarkable to witness the strength and resilience of women, who are often subjected to a society that objectifies and marginalizes them? 

The fact that women continue to thrive in the face of such adversity is a testament to the incredible fortitude and determination that lies...

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Mental Health Matters: 5 Caring Steps Every Working Woman Should Take May 12, 2023

Ladies, let's talk about the elephant in the room: the pressure to keep up with the fast-paced working world while balancing a million responsibilities.

It's no secret that being a woman is tough, but one thing that often gets swept under the rug is our mental health. In the hustle and bustle,...

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