BE 2024 Conference


Sashaā€™s Thoughts on Wellness, Women in the Workplace, Motherhood, and Medicine.

Maintaining Energy and Emotional Balance in Interpersonal Conflict Mar 22, 2024

In life we are bound to encounter a mix of triumphs and battles. Sometimes these battles are in the form of personal conflict, and it can be as challenging. Whether we like it or not, interpersonal conflict is part of life. It can happen to anyone – family, friends, or work colleagues....

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Mindfulness Techniques to Prevent Burnout Feb 16, 2024

Is it possible to navigate the relentless demands of being a working woman without succumbing to burnout? 

In this age of constant connectivity and perpetual motion, we are inundated with the idea of hustling, grinding, and working hard – or whatever you want to call it. In the...

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Recognizing Stress Triggers: Alleviating Stress Before It Becomes Burnout Feb 01, 2024

"Am I stressed or tired?"  

This is a question I ask to myself every day. Juggling the roles of a mother, a woman physician, and an entrepreneur, my plate is full, and my array of daily tasks often seems overwhelming. As I navigate through the demands of parenting, the responsibilities...

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Setting Essential Boundaries: 5 Keys to Wellness During Holiday Festivities Dec 22, 2023

During the holiday season, the pressure to create picture-perfect moments and participate in various activities can leave us feeling overwhelmed. With its festive spirit and joyous gatherings, the holidays often bring a unique set of challenges that can impact our well-being. As we navigate...

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5 Ways to Stop the Cycle of Overwhelm Sep 29, 2023

Overwhelm is an uninvited guest that always finds its way into my life, whether I am juggling the demands of my job, tending to my family's needs, or grappling with the weight of personal challenges. You probably know the feeling, don't you? The feeling of struggling to stay afloat in an...

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5 Time Management Hacks for Working Women Jun 30, 2023

The most important skill that I MUST have to stay well as a working mom (and not lose it on the daily!) is time management. If you can relate to struggling with time management, you are not alone. I understand.  

In our fast-paced world, it is common to feel overwhelmed by the tasks and...

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How Boundaries Help You Leave Work at Work Jun 23, 2023

As a woman physician and a mom of four, I often find myself caught in the crossfire of a workplace dilemma that plagues many of us: the struggle of taking work home with us.

Like many others, I find myself caught in the swirling currents of this dilemma – the age-old question: do I take...

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