BE 2024 Conference


Sasha’s Thoughts on Wellness, Women in the Workplace, Motherhood, and Medicine.

Balancing Priorities: Time Management Inspired by Your Purpose Jul 26, 2024

Have you ever felt like you were spinning a dozen plates in the air, trying to keep everything from crashing down?  

Between work, family, friendships, personal growth, and maybe even a bit of “me time,” it often feels like there aren't enough hours in the day. I get it. As...

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The Key to Efficient Time Management: Discover Your 'Why’ Jul 12, 2024

Time is one of our most valuable resources, and it often feels like there's never enough. For women physicians, working moms, and busy women in general, the pressure to balance professional responsibilities with personal commitments is overwhelming! For me, each day is a delicate dance of...

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Removing Limitations So We Can Transform Jun 28, 2024

Growing up, many of us felt confined by societal expectations and personal insecurities. We were often told who we should be, how we should act, and what dreams were appropriate for us to pursue. These pressures, combined with our internal doubts, created a heavy burden. And sadly, many of us...

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Overcoming Self-Imposed Barriers to Success Jun 14, 2024

Life is not a straight path to success. It is a winding road with lots of unexpected detours, potholes, and maybe even a flat tire or two. But here's the kicker: sometimes, the biggest obstacles in our way are not the ones we stumble upon out there in the world. They are the ones we set up...

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Rewriting the Narrative: Empowering Beliefs for Women May 31, 2024

The beautiful thing about being alive is we wake up each day having the chance to rewrite our narrative. 

As a working mom juggling a demanding career and the beautiful chaos of family life, I know how easy it is to get trapped in limiting beliefs. For years, I felt the pressure to be...

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Identifying and Challenging Limiting Beliefs in Women May 17, 2024

Limiting beliefs—they are the whispers in the back of our minds, the doubts that hold us back, the invisible barriers that keep us from reaching what we can be more. As women, we have all felt their grip at some point in our lives. We walk through life's twists and turns, facing ups and...

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Overcoming Impostor Syndrome: Five Strategies for Success May 03, 2024

Have you ever found yourself in a room full of accomplished women, secretly questioning how you managed to sneak your way in? Do you ever downplay your achievements, saying it is either luck or mere coincidence, rather than acknowledging your hard work and talent? If so, welcome to the...

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From Self-Doubt to Self-Empowerment: A Woman's Journey Apr 26, 2024

Let’s face it: being a woman in today's world comes with its own set of challenges. We are bombarded with societal expectations, stereotypes, and cultural norms that often leave us questioning our worth and abilities. We are constantly fighting against this invisible force that tells us we...

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Challenging Societal Expectations: Stories of Resilient Women Apr 05, 2024

Society has a way of boxing women in, prescribing roles and norms that sometimes feel suffocating. But then, I realized, that women are anything but one-dimensional. We are multifaceted beings with dreams, aspirations, and the unyielding spirit to defy the status quo. 

In a world where...

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Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Overcoming Gender Barriers Mar 29, 2024

Despite many advances for women in our world, we as women still find ourselves hitting invisible barriers that hold us back. You have probably heard of it – the notorious "glass ceiling" – those unspoken challenges and biases that keep us from reaching, doing, and being more. 


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Maintaining Energy and Emotional Balance in Interpersonal Conflict Mar 22, 2024

In life we are bound to encounter a mix of triumphs and battles. Sometimes these battles are in the form of personal conflict, and it can be as challenging. Whether we like it or not, interpersonal conflict is part of life. It can happen to anyone – family, friends, or work colleagues....

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Effective Communication Strategies to Resolve Workplace Conflicts Mar 15, 2024

We have all been in the middle of a heated argument at work, with our heart racing, our frustration boiling over, and our words becoming sharp as daggers.  

And then we take that feeling home with us. 

Conflicts are an unavoidable part of life, whether they come at home, in the...

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