BE 2025 Conference


Sasha’s Thoughts on Wellness, Women in the Workplace, Motherhood, and Medicine.

5 Steps to Beat Burnout By Defining Your “Why” Nov 03, 2023

As a working mom, I know how easy it is to be swept away by the never-ending tide of responsibilities, distractions, and the ceaseless march of time. It always ends up in a familiar scenario where I race through every minute getting all the things done. Eventually, I somehow strayed too far from...

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Harnessing Self-Awareness for Mental Health: From Stress Management to Personal Growth Jul 28, 2023

Now more than ever, in our fast-paced and demanding world, a sense of urgency seems to permeate every aspect of our lives. From the mundane tasks of our everyday routines to the relentless demands of our work and responsibilities, there is constant pressure to get things done quickly and...

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The Profound Impact of Staff Shortages on Today's Healthcare Workplace Jun 09, 2023

In the bustling corridors of hospitals and the hushed hallways of clinics, I find myself amidst dedicated healthcare professionals who work tirelessly to provide life-saving care and bring hope to those in need. We, as compassionate individuals, form the heart and soul of the healthcare...

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Unlocking Work-Life Control: How the Enneagram Can Help You Achieve Balance and Fulfillment Apr 14, 2023

What is ONE thing you struggle with most when it comes to work? I would safely assume your answer is the same as mine, and many others: maintaining the oh-so-tricky work-life balance.  

It's a common struggle that many of us face - trying to balance the demands of work with our personal...

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5 Simple Steps To Outsourcing Tasks For Women Physicians Feb 03, 2023

When you hear the word outsource,” what comes to mind? I immediately think, “gosh, I am failing because I should be able to do this myself.” Outsourcing is trusting my needs to others, which I know is difficult for most female physicians. I am certainly guilty of this...

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3 Easy Ways To Change As A Woman Physician Jan 13, 2023

Ways to change as a woman physician can be a difficult concept for health care providers who want to focus on patient care and have career advancement. As a woman physician in the medical profession, the long hours and ever-changing work environment around us are normal. We are used to being...

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How Will 2023 Look Different for You? Here’s 5 ways to prioritize your goals Dec 30, 2022

Just like that, we are finally closing the year 2022. I am proud of all the boundaries you set for yourself, all the progress you made, and all the changes you fully embraced this year. Look at you now, growing and thriving with grace!

1. What’s Your Mantra in 2023?

As the year 2023 enters,...

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