BE 2024 Conference


Sashaā€™s Thoughts on Wellness, Women in the Workplace, Motherhood, and Medicine.

Advice to the Younger Me Jun 07, 2019

As a woman in medicine, where the odds for pay, promotion and leadership are stacked against me, I feel obligated to light the path for younger women who come behind me.  It has taken me a while to be comfortable with my style of leadership, own my own voice, be able to regroup after...

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We Are Anesthesiologists: What You Need to Know Jun 05, 2019

I am a cardiac anesthesiologist. I want to explain what anesthesiologists do, who we are, and why it is important for the public to know.

Anesthesiologists are physicians. 

Anesthesiologists are the guardians of the operating room.

Anesthesiologists are leaders.

If you get in a car accident,...

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My Most Important Job Aug 20, 2018

My heart broke a little this week. 

When you want to grow a muscle, you have to damage it first. You have to lift something heavy and over extend it. It’s sore for a few days - and then it grows stronger. 

That is what happened to my heart this week.

My oldest son started high...

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Sick of Burnout? Then, Let's Fix It. Jul 20, 2018

I was recently interviewed by someone on the topic of clinician burnout. The interviewee asked me how I respond to those who say that burnout does not exist, is being over stated, or is the result of a weaker generation of practicing physicians.

I find this difference in opinion interesting. Most...

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The Orchid - Rising From Setbacks Jun 13, 2018

A year and half ago, I hosted an informal event for women in medicine and law at my home. The thought was to bring women together and discuss workplace barriers and gaps, and share ways to overcome them. It was a terrific night. Friendships were made, encouragement shared, and alliances built.


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My Top 10 Tips for the Young Physician May 11, 2018

How do I balance my home life with physician life?

I really want to do a research study. How do I start?

How do I get involved in my specialties society?

I am overwhelmed with clinical duties. How do I negotiate for nonclinical time?

My manuscript was rejected. What should I do next? 

I had...

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A New Bed Apr 12, 2018

Recently I was saying goodnight to my oldest son, who is now 14 and about to enter high school. I was standing in his bedroom looking at his midnight blue walls, which are covered in each of the planets. He looked up at me from his Pottery Barn bunkbed and said, “Mom, I need a new...

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A Letter to My Sons Jan 12, 2018

Dear Boys,

I am so blessed to be your mom. You each have amazing personalities, unique talents, and special characteristics. I know someday you will grow up and be strong men. Kind men. Respectful men. Successful men. Men like your grandfathers. Men like your father.

Someday when you go out into...

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Big Things & Little Things Dec 20, 2017

One of the things I am asked about all the time is time management. People want to know how I find time to do the things that I do. I promise you I sleep (although, not much). I don’t have a group of minions doing work for me. I empty the dishwasher. I pay bills. I run to the store on my...

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When You Fail: Get On the Bus Nov 01, 2017

The practice of medicine is a lot like the practice of parenting. It is full of highs and lows, moments of pure joy and those of devastating heartache.

When I talk to my friends who are parents, they agree with me. Some of the most difficult times as a parent is watching your kids fail. When your...

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Staring Down the Dog Aug 30, 2017

You know that one failure, the one that comes into your mind at the most unpredictable times, and catches you off guard like a barking dog, right when your about to open a door? 

We all fall short, every one of us. Some people are able to bounce up after being leveled by failure faster than...

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Reach Across the Divide Jul 12, 2017

If you are a woman, please read. I’m going to talk about something controversial that affects ALL women.


Hear me out.

Jane is a 38-year-old mother of three. She is educated and skilled and worked as a marketing director for several years until she decided to stay home after her...

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