BE 2024 Conference


Sashaā€™s Thoughts on Wellness, Women in the Workplace, Motherhood, and Medicine.

Transforming Conflict into Opportunity for Personal Growth Mar 07, 2024

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a conflict, feeling the weight of tension and disagreement pressing down on you? 

Perhaps it was a disagreement with a loved one, a clash of opinions in the workplace, or an internal struggle within yourself. Whatever the context, conflict has a...

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A Woman's Guide to Navigating Workplace Conflicts Mar 01, 2024

Conflict is a fact of life. As women physicians, we often find ourselves in workplace conflict, whether we want it or not. It can be dealing with office politics or standing up for fairness, and we have learned to be strong and resilient when it comes to facing conflicts head-on. Despite the...

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From Stress to Serenity: Transforming Pressure into Productivity Feb 23, 2024

I have to tell you something you might not like: stress is just a normal part of life. In today's fast-paced world, stress is practically unavoidable. It crops up from our jobs, our relationships, our finances, and a whole host of other things. It sneaks into our days and seeps into our thoughts,...

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Mindfulness Techniques to Prevent Burnout Feb 16, 2024

Is it possible to navigate the relentless demands of being a working woman without succumbing to burnout? 

In this age of constant connectivity and perpetual motion, we are inundated with the idea of hustling, grinding, and working hard – or whatever you want to call it. In the...

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Building a Stress-Resilient Lifestyle: 5 Tips and Tricks Feb 09, 2024

Stress can be everywhere—at work, at home, in relationships, and even in daily activities. It seems to be an unwelcome companion that we just cannot shake off. The pressures of meeting deadlines, navigating personal connections, and juggling various responsibilities create a constant...

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Recognizing Stress Triggers: Alleviating Stress Before It Becomes Burnout Feb 01, 2024

"Am I stressed or tired?"  

This is a question I ask to myself every day. Juggling the roles of a mother, a woman physician, and an entrepreneur, my plate is full, and my array of daily tasks often seems overwhelming. As I navigate through the demands of parenting, the responsibilities...

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Self-Care and Personal Growth: Balancing Ambition with your Well-Being Jan 26, 2024

We tend to measure success in life by our career accomplishments, external achievements, and the number of followers on social media. Society dictates that the way to achieve growth is by pouring ourselves out, constantly hustling, and sacrificing one of the most important things for us – ...

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The Power of Small Habits in Achieving Big 2024 Goals Jan 19, 2024

As a new year begins, it is easy to be excited about the new year and think, “I must accomplish MORE and BIGGER things!” For me, a brand-new year is a blank canvas, waiting for me to paint my goals for 2024. When I reflected on my goals for this year, I realized that I often OVER...

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Crafting Your Vision: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Fulfilling Year Jan 12, 2024

Life has a way of competing with our dreams – especially as women. We are constantly trying to keep up with our jobs and families and it is SO easy to not stop and think about what it is we often want to DO and BE in life. I love January for this reason; it is the perfect opportunity to...

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The 2024 Mindset Shift: Strategies for Personal Transformation Jan 05, 2024

In the journey of life, we reach a point where we yearn for growth and transformation. I am sure that each brand-new year that we get to experience, we desire to become the better version of ourselves. We will jot down our New Year’s resolutions just for them to stay on paper, never turning...

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Life Lessons for Women: 10 Transformative Insights I Learned in 2023 Dec 29, 2023

As I take a moment to reflect on the rollercoaster that was 2023, the complexity of emotions is hard to put into words, but one thing is for sure: it is hard.

It has been a year filled with unexpected twists. Some of the things that happened I could not have anticipated, were both good things and...

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Setting Essential Boundaries: 5 Keys to Wellness During Holiday Festivities Dec 22, 2023

During the holiday season, the pressure to create picture-perfect moments and participate in various activities can leave us feeling overwhelmed. With its festive spirit and joyous gatherings, the holidays often bring a unique set of challenges that can impact our well-being. As we navigate...

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