BE 2024 Conference


Sasha’s Thoughts on Wellness, Women in the Workplace, Motherhood, and Medicine.

7 Ways to Pamper Yourself During the Holidays: A Guide for Busy Women Dec 15, 2023

Most of us eagerly anticipate the holiday season, and I am no exception. For me, the holidays are a time of joy, celebration, and being surrounded by loved ones. But beyond that, it is also a moment to take a break from my busy life and focus on something equally important: my well-being.  

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The Art of Saying No: Practical Tips for Female Physicians Over the Holidays Dec 08, 2023

The holiday season is a time of merriment, joy, and festivities, as we come together with our families to celebrate and create lasting memories. However, with all the glittering lights and cheerful carols, there is a flip side that often goes unnoticed—the stress that accompanies the...

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Sasha's Holiday Gift Guide: 10 Perfect Gifts for Overworked Women Dec 01, 2023

As December comes around, I know I am not alone in the struggle to find the perfect gifts. We all want to give something special, useful, and guaranteed to bring joy to whoever receives it. So here's Sasha's Holiday Gift Guide: 10 Perfect Gifts for Overworked Women!

Let's be real...

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Gratitude as a Compass: Remembering Your Why in the Midst of Thanksgiving Nov 24, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, where each day seems to go by in a blur, I have found immense comfort in hitting the pause button and embracing the practice of gratitude. It is during these peaceful moments of reflection that I discover a sanctuary, a haven where I can sift through the chaos and...

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Finding Your Why: How to Set Clear Priorities as a Woman Physician Nov 17, 2023

As women physicians, our unique journey in the medical field is nothing short of remarkable. Our paths are a testament to our inner strength, resilience, and unwavering determination. Regardless of the specialization we embrace, our presence leaves an indelible mark. We carry the dual roles of...

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Aligning Your Compass: The Power of Understanding Your Purpose in Medicine Nov 10, 2023

Being in this profession for a long time, there is one thing I have realized: medicine is a calling. From medical school up until now, one question always pops into my head: What had brought me here?  

You see, the path to becoming a woman physician is far from straightforward. It is...

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5 Steps to Beat Burnout By Defining Your “Why” Nov 03, 2023

As a working mom, I know how easy it is to be swept away by the never-ending tide of responsibilities, distractions, and the ceaseless march of time. It always ends up in a familiar scenario where I race through every minute getting all the things done. Eventually, I somehow strayed too far from...

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The Power of Resetting Your Priorities Oct 27, 2023

If you are like me, you may find yourself in a cycle of constant hustle, stress, and the feeling of being perpetually on the move. Sometimes it’s like I am desperately trying to juggle the demands of a high-pressure job, maintain a healthy family life, and somehow…I am supposed to...

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The Power of Small Retreats: 5 Life-Changing Impacts Oct 20, 2023

If you are like me, you are likely swamped with deadlines, and commitments, and glued to screens around the clock. It has become so sad how feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and totally out of touch with our true selves is almost the new normal. I can relate to this reality, and I bet you can too....

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5 Ways to Simplify Your Life: Embrace Clarity and Inner Peace Oct 13, 2023

Today I want to take you on a personal journey, one that's all about embracing a life that is more peaceful, more fulfilling, and well, simply better. In a world that seems to be on a never-ending treadmill of noise, distractions, and constant busyness, the idea of simplifying our lives might...

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5 Things Women Must Let Go in 2023 Using the “OUTLIST” Strategy Oct 06, 2023

As the year approaches its inevitable conclusion, I find myself in a state of reflection that goes beyond mere nostalgia or celebration. It is a profound pause—a moment when I step back from the hustle and bustle of life to peer into the vast expanse of possibilities that await in the days...

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5 Ways to Stop the Cycle of Overwhelm Sep 29, 2023

Overwhelm is an uninvited guest that always finds its way into my life, whether I am juggling the demands of my job, tending to my family's needs, or grappling with the weight of personal challenges. You probably know the feeling, don't you? The feeling of struggling to stay afloat in an...

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