BE 2025 Conference

Overcoming Self-Imposed Barriers to Success

female physicians physician physicianwoman woman physician womanphysician women physicians womenphysicians Jun 14, 2024

Life is not a straight path to success. It is a winding road with lots of unexpected detours, potholes, and maybe even a flat tire or two. But here's the kicker: sometimes, the biggest obstacles in our way are not the ones we stumble upon out there in the world. They are the ones we set up ourselves. What I am referring to here are often called “limiting beliefs.” 

Think about it. How often have you wanted to try something new, only to hear that little voice in your head whispering all sorts of negative nonsense? "You're not good enough." "What if you fail?" "It is impossible to make it." Or my favorite, “You aren’t good at that, why even try?” 

We have all been there, haven't we? That moment of hesitation right before stepping out of our comfort zone, the nagging voice in our head that sows seeds of doubt, the invisible chains we place around ourselves that hinder our growth and potential. For many of us, these barriers are as real and formidable as any external obstacle.  

Women are big dreamers and goal-getters; yet we can all find ourselves stuck at some point in our lives and choose to embrace where we feel comfortable, predictable, and safe. But deep down, there is an itch we could not scratch—a nagging feeling that we are meant to do something more, something that will make us excited to get out of bed in the morning. The problem? Every time we thought about making a change, our brain would go into overdrive with all the reasons why it would not work. Sound familiar? 

If these feelings hit home to you, it is time to acknowledge your resilience and capability. This year, choose yourself and join me and a community of remarkable women at the highly anticipated BE 2024 Women’s CME Conference. It is a transformative event designed to empower women like us to conquer the limiting beliefs that hinder our progress. With inspiring keynote speakers, enlightening panel discussions, intimate breakout sessions, and personalized coaching opportunities, this conference equips you with the tools you need to thrive permanently. 

These limiting beliefs affect all of us and now is the time to take action. Secure your spot at BE24 today and immerse yourself in a supportive environment alongside like-minded women who understand this very struggle. This is your opportunity to break free from those beliefs and invest in yourself. Don't let it slip away—reserve your spot today! 

Our minds are tricky things. They can be our biggest cheerleaders or our worst critics. The key to overcoming self-imposed barriers is to start recognizing them for what they are: just thoughts. They are not facts and do not have to dictate our reality. Once we start to challenge these thoughts, we can begin to replace them with more empowering beliefs that will eventually let us thrive and succeed.  

Self-Imposed Barriers and Where They Came From 

Self-imposed barriers are the obstacles that we create for ourselves, often unconsciously, that hinder our progress and limit our success. These barriers often stem from a combination of internal and external factors, shaping our beliefs, fears, and behaviors. One common source of self-imposed barriers is societal norms and expectations. From a young age, we are influenced by societal standards that dictate what is acceptable or achievable, leading to ingrained beliefs about our abilities and worth. These beliefs can manifest as doubts, insecurities, or fears that create barriers to pursuing goals or taking risks. 

Another significant origin of self-imposed barriers is past experiences and traumas. Negative experiences or failures can shape our self-perception and create mental blocks that prevent us from moving forward. These barriers can become entrenched over time, reinforcing negative thoughts and behaviors that limit our personal growth.  

Lastly, self-imposed barriers may also come from internalized beliefs about our identity and capabilities. These beliefs, often formed from past experiences or societal norms, can create mental roadblocks that hinder our progress. Overcoming self-imposed barriers requires introspection and a willingness to challenge these limiting beliefs. 

Understanding the origins of these self-imposed barriers is essential in addressing and overcoming them, as it allows us to confront and challenge the factors that have influenced our self-limiting beliefs and behaviors. This introspection can lead to a greater sense of self-awareness and empowerment, ultimately enabling us to break free from the constraints that have held us back. Through this process of self-discovery and personal growth, we can cultivate a mindset of resilience and determination, making it possible to pursue our goals with confidence and courage. 

But you know how else can we make this journey exciting? When we have someone by our side who just simply gets us. This year we will make BE24 more memorable with the BE24 Referral Program that will ramp up the excitement! When you refer a new attendee to BE24, both you and your referral will score an exclusive invitation to a private event hosted by yours truly. But wait, there's more. As an added treat, the referral program also invites you for a chance to win a luxurious spa day at BE24. Sounds fun, right? 

6 Strategies for Overcoming Self-Imposed Barriers 

Overcoming self-imposed barriers requires a combination of self-awareness, emotional regulation, and strategic planning. By recognizing and challenging our negative thought patterns, we can break free from these limitations imposed by our minds. Here are six ways to do it: 

1. Setting Achievable Goals 

One of the most effective ways to overcome self-imposed barriers is by setting achievable goals. Large goals can be overwhelming and may oftentimes lead to procrastination. I am guilty on this one. So, what I do is I break down my goals into smaller, manageable tasks that can make them more attainable. This approach allows me to focus on one step at a time and celebrate small victories along the way, which can boost my confidence and motivation. This not only helps in maintaining motivation and momentum but also provides a clear roadmap towards success.  

We are only human, and we process things better when we see visuals. Creating a vision board can be a powerful tool for setting and achieving our goals. A vision board is a visual representation of our aspirations and goals. It serves as a daily reminder of what we are working towards and can help maintain our focus and motivation. By surrounding ourselves with images and words that reflect our desires, we are more likely to stay committed to our goals and stay on track.  

When we acknowledge the delicate balance of our boundaries, our goals become not only achievable but also realistic. Boundaries serve as the foundation for setting realistic goals, offering a clear framework within which we can work with our available time and resources. If you find yourself struggling to set boundaries, my book, Brave Boundaries, offers practical strategies to guide you through the process. 

2. Embracing Failure as a Learning Opportunity 

When we think about failure, it is easy to see it as something negative, but it can be a valuable learning experience. By reframing failure as a steppingstone to success, we can change our perspective and reduce the fear that often comes with it. Failure is a natural part of the growth process and an opportunity for us to learn and improve. 

Let us also remember to celebrate our efforts, not just the outcomes. Instead of only focusing on whether we achieved our goal, let us take the time to acknowledge the hard work and dedication we put in along the way. Celebrating our progress can boost our self-esteem and keep us motivated, even when things do not go as planned. By appreciating the journey and the progress we have made, we can build confidence in ourselves and our abilities. 

Dealing with failure can be tough, making it hard to trust our instincts when it comes to decision-making. If you are stuck in that struggle, give my podcast's latest season a listen. Tune in for some fresh perspectives and tools to tackle decisions with confidence, even when things don't go as planned. 

3. Building Self-Esteem 

When it comes to overcoming negative self-talk, one of the most effective strategies I have found is cognitive restructuring. It involves challenging those persistent negative thoughts that seem to hold us back. By consciously replacing that negativity with positive affirmations, I can slowly shift my mindset from self-doubt to self-confidence. It is about reminding ourselves that we can grow and succeed, even when things seem tough. 

Another practice that has made a huge difference for me is incorporating positive affirmations into my daily routine. You too, can do it. These are simple, positive statements that highlight our strengths and capabilities. It is like giving ourselves a mental pep talk that reinforces a more positive and confident outlook. This habit can help us counteract the negative self-talk that can so easily derail our confidence and motivation. 

Finally, allow yourself to keep a gratitude journal. For me, it has been always a helpful outlet where I can jot down things I am grateful for and any achievements, no matter how small. This practice helps me appreciate the good things in my life and diminishes the impact of negative thoughts.  

We have all been there—juggling a million things and feeling like our self-esteem takes a hit in the process. It is a recipe for burnout, inefficient time management, and feeling like we have lost control over our work and personal lives. If you are a woman physician, a working mom, or a professional woman feeling burned out and craving better boundaries and balance, RISE: MASTERMIND is here for you. Join our waitlist as early as today! 

4. Tackling Perfectionism 

One effective strategy to overcome limiting beliefs is acknowledging our urge to be always perfect. When tackling perfectionism, we should stick to and set realistic standards for ourselves. Perfectionism often sets us up with unrealistic expectations, leading to constant dissatisfaction and stress. By acknowledging that perfection is unattainable, we can shift our focus to setting attainable goals that allow room for mistakes.  

Another important approach is to prioritize progress over perfection. Instead of fixating on achieving flawless outcomes, we should celebrate the steps we take toward our goals, even if they are not perfect. . By embracing small, incremental changes, we can recognize that these steps are what ultimately lead to significant results and growth over time. 

Lastly, allowing ourselves to make mistakes is crucial in overcoming perfectionism. Mistakes are a natural part of learning and growth, and viewing them as opportunities to improve can be incredibly liberating. By practicing self-compassion and forgiving ourselves when things do not go as planned, we maintain a healthier perspective. It is important to remember that our worth and capabilities are not defined by our mistakes, but by how we learn and grow from them. 

When we get stuck in perfectionism, even small tasks can take up a lot of time, leaving us with little time for ourselves. This endless chase for perfection can make us feel anxious and burned out, and it stops us from taking risks and following our passions. We are stuck in a loop of always trying but never feeling good enough. If this sounds like you, my Time Management Course can help. You'll learn practical tips to be more productive, prioritize tasks, and find a good balance between work and life.  

5. Combating Imposter Syndrome 

Combating imposter syndrome is a crucial part of overcoming self-imposed barriers, and it starts with acknowledging our achievements. We often feel like frauds despite clear evidence of our success, so keeping a record of our accomplishments can be incredibly helpful. By regularly reviewing and reflecting on the hard work and dedication that led to these achievements, we can reinforce our capabilities and remind ourselves that we truly deserve our success. Another effective strategy is sharing our experiences with others. Talking about imposter syndrome can be eye-opening because it makes us realize we are not alone in feeling this way.  By opening up about our feelings, we can gain perspective and support from those who understand what we are going through.  

6. Fostering Self-Development 

Fostering self-development is all about committing to continuous growth and improvement. One of the best ways to do this is by embracing lifelong learning. Whether it is through formal education, attending workshops, reading books, or taking online courses, the key is to stay curious and open to new experiences. 

Another important aspect of self-development is practicing regular self-reflection. Taking time to introspect on our progress, challenges, and areas for improvement can provide invaluable insights into our behaviors and attitudes. By identifying patterns and making conscious changes based on these reflections, we can actively support your growth and development. 

Additionally, finding accountability partners can be incredibly beneficial in staying motivated and committed to our goals. Whether it is a friend, colleague, or mentor, having someone who can hold you accountable for your progress and provide support and encouragement along the way can make a world of difference. Plus, building and leveraging networks of support, can provide additional resources and guidance to help us grow and succeed.  

Looking for that genuine connection? When we are surrounded by women who lift each other and cheer on each other's victories, we find strength in solidarity. At The Table, we value the power of shared experiences and the encouragement we give each other on our paths. Come join us and be part of a community that celebrates the strength of connection. 

Ready to Break Free? 

Overcoming self-imposed barriers is a critical step toward achieving success. By understanding the roots of these barriers and implementing actionable strategies, we can dismantle the obstacles that hinder our progress. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. With unwavering determination and resilience, we have the power to conquer these barriers and claim the success we are worthy of. 

So, sister, what do you say? Are you ready to break free? 

Feeling stretched thin? I can show you 10 ways to get back TWO HOURS in your week!



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