BE 2024 Conference

7 Ways to Pamper Yourself During the Holidays: A Guide for Busy Women

cozy book recommendations healthy holiday treats holiday self care nature walk benefits stress free holiday season Dec 15, 2023
Picture of a woman dressed on Christmas-themed clothing while drinking a hot beverage from a mug

Most of us eagerly anticipate the holiday season, and I am no exception. For me, the holidays are a time of joy, celebration, and being surrounded by loved ones. But beyond that, it is also a moment to take a break from my busy life and focus on something equally important: my well-being.  

With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I know that most busy women out there, me, included, maximize this time to do things that will actually make us feel good physically, emotionally, and mentally. 

With the twinkling lights, festive decorations, and the excitement of gift-giving, it is easy to get caught up in the external aspects of the holidays. While these are undoubtedly wonderful parts of the season, I have come to realize that taking care of myself is the best gift during this time. It is our chance to recharge our batteries and ensure that we are not only fully present for the festivities but also for our well-being. 

Speaking of gift-giving, check out my holiday gift guide to find the perfect present for every special woman on your list. Don't stress about finding the right gift this holiday season - let my gift guide do the work for you. 

As the holidays go on, let this be a reminder that when we take care and pamper ourselves, we can share more love, joy, and positivity with the people around us. During this season, let us emphasize the importance of self-care. So, in the midst of the songs, laughter, and shared moments, let us take some time for ourselves – a special gift that will make the holidays even better and prepare us for a new year with renewed energy and purpose.  

7 Ways to Pamper Yourself 

With all the holiday preparations, social gatherings, and expectations that come with this festive time, let us not lose sight that our well-being needs some TLC too. I find that carving out moments for personal rejuvenation is an essential practice that significantly enhances my ability to navigate the challenges and joys of the season.  Setting aside moments for self-care is a powerful strategy to rejuvenate and prepare for the challenges and joys that the holiday period brings.  

If you are a busy woman like me who needs some quick guide to pamper yourself during the holidays, here are 7 ways to do it: 

  1. Indulge in a Spa Day at Home 

When I need a break and some "me time," I like to treat myself to a spa day at home. It is super easy. I set up a cozy space with candles, play some relaxing tunes, and use nice-smelling oils – you know, like aromatherapy. Then, I pamper myself with face masks, foot soaks, and bubble baths. The holiday break is all about feeling good. 

Also, here's the trick – I make sure to put away my phone and other gadgets and make sure there are no distractions. It is important to take a break from technology and work, and just enjoy the peaceful vibes during the holiday season. So, if you ever need a little escape, try creating your spa day at home. It is like giving yourself a mini vacation without leaving your place, all in the comfort of your bathroom. 

We all go through times when we want to keep stress at bay and just give ourselves pure relaxation. A spa day at home will be perfect when we have the peace and clarity that we need especially during the holidays. If this is something you need, check out my FREE destress toolkit. 

  1. Cozy Up with a Good Book or Movie 

Pampering yourself does not have to be fancy and let me share that when I want to relax and feel all warm and fuzzy, I love cozying up with a good book or movie. These quiet moments transport me to a different world, and for a while, it feels like I'm leaving all my worries behind. You know that feeling when you get so into a story that time just flies? That is the joy of it – getting lost in a really good tale.  

Especially during the holidays, I make a point to choose books or movies with uplifting, festive vibes, this just adds an extra touch of joy to the season. Well, I like to go all in and create a snug little corner with soft blankets and pillows – maybe even a cup of hot cocoa. It is about crafting my happy space to savor these simple moments. It is incredible how just a few simple elements can transform a corner of your home into a personal sanctuary, a place where you can curl up and take all the time you need for yourself. 

Need some new book recommendations that will keep you sane during the holidays Check out my book, Brave Boundaries. Perfect for those women who need a guide to setting firm boundaries for work and at home. 

  1. Try Out a New Hobby or Craft 

If you want to try something out of the box, I recommend trying out a new hobby or craft. It does not have to be complicated – simple things can be really enjoyable. During the holidays, you can explore crafts with a festive twist, like making ornaments or trying your hand at holiday-themed projects. It is not about being perfect; it is about having a good time and feeling accomplished. You can also do this with family and friends.  

Doing something creative can be therapeutic for some. This can be a way or outlet to let go of stress and just focus on making or trying something new. Whether it is painting, knitting, or even making homemade holiday cards, these activities can allow you to express yourself and take a break from all the holiday chaos around you.  If you are ever looking for a way to unwind during the holidays, trying out a new hobby or craft can be a fun and relaxing way to do it. 

  1. Savor Your Favorite Holiday Treats 

This next one is a no-brainer. When it comes to the holidays, one of my absolute favorite things to do is savoring all those delicious treats. And you know what? I say, let's enjoy them guilt-free. Whether it is your mom's famous cookies or a piece of pumpkin pie, these festive goodies bring so much joy. I believe that the holidays are a time to relish the flavors that make this season special. It is like a little celebration with every bite, and there is something amazing about indulging in those classic holiday foods that we all look forward to.  

Now, here's a neat idea – making your own versions of holiday treats that are a bit healthier. I love trying out recipes that let me enjoy the same yummy taste but with a little twist to make them a bit better for me and my family. It could be using whole-grain flour, less sugar, or swapping out ingredients. The joy of baking these treats and sharing them with loved ones is just unbeatable. There is a warmth that comes from not just enjoying the treats yourself but also seeing the smiles on the faces of those you share them with. 

Do you know what pairs well with snacking or baking your favorite holiday treat? A delightful dose of insightful content. Check out my YouTube channel, where explore empowering discussions on setting boundaries, finding balance, and embracing self-care. Your holiday season is about to get even more delightful – so grab your treat and hit subscribe. 

  1. Take a Nature Walk 

Hands down, my absolute favorite way to unwind not only during the holidays is taking a nature walk, and let me tell you, it never fails to boost my mood every time. Even in colder weather, connecting with nature has these incredible benefits. It is like a breath of fresh air for both my mind and body. I bundle up in warm clothes, grab a hot drink, and head outside. There is something so calming about the crisp winter air and the quiet beauty of nature during this season. The reset button for my stress and worries. 

Looking to add some cozy flair to your walks? Check out these Brave Enough shirts and hoodies from BE23. Designed for both comfort and empowerment, these cozy outfits will elevate your style game during those refreshing nature walks. 

To make it extra enjoyable in the winter, bring someone dear with you or listen to your favorite music or podcast while strolling. The simple act of being outdoors, surrounded by trees, brings this sense of peace that is hard to put into words. It is my go-to therapy when I need to clear my mind and find a little joy in the beauty of the world around me. If I had to pick a personal favorite among all the ways to pamper myself, a nature walk takes the top spot for sure. 

Another great companion during your walk is listening to a podcast. Why not join me on my podcast during your me-time with nature? With a range of personal topics, including self-improvement, setting goals, and self-care, I am confident you will discover some inspiration while catching on to your daily steps. 

  1. Pamper with Personal Care 

Treating myself to a bit of personal care is like giving myself a gentle hug, and it becomes one of my go-to ways to feel refreshed. I have found that simple at-home beauty treatments can do wonders. Whether it is a relaxing face mask, a DIY manicure, or a soothing bath, these little self-care rituals make me feel pampered without having to step out. It's like creating a spa day right in the comfort of my own home. 

For me, grooming rituals are not just about looking good; they are about feeling good too. Taking the time for personal care gives me a moment to unwind and focus on myself. Sometimes, I like to have a mini-makeover, experiment with new looks, or even just play around with how I do my hair or makeup. It is a fun and creative way for me to express myself and boost my confidence. Plus, it is a great way to discover new products or techniques that work best for me. Whether it is a bold lip color or a sleek hairstyle, these little beauty experiments allow me to showcase my style and help me feel more empowered in my everyday life. 

Struggling to find time for personal care? My Time Management Course is tailored to help you carve out focused, uninterrupted periods for essential me-time moments like this.  

  1. Plan a Mini Getaway or Staycation 

Let me share a little secret that become my ultimate stress-buster – planning a mini getaway or staycation. When life gets a bit too hectic, taking a short overnight trip can be a game-changer. The key is to keep it stress-free, picking a place not too far away and planning to avoid any last-minute hassles. It does not have to be a grand adventure; sometimes, just changing your surroundings for a day can do wonders for rejuvenation. 

Now, for those who prefer the comfort of their own space, a staycation is where it is at. Creating a staycation is like giving yourself a little retreat right at home. I like to turn off the routine, maybe order some delicious food, and treat myself to a mini spa day or a movie marathon.  

But here's a thought – if you want to take it up a notch and go all out for yourself, join me and all other amazing women in the  REVIVE: New Brave Enough Retreat 2024.  

Set against the stunning Garza Blanca Resort and Spa in Cancun, Mexico, from January 18-21, 2024, this retreat is designed for busy, tired, stuck, unsure how to stop the overwhelmed high-functioning women like you.  

At REVIVE, I understand that one size doesn't fit all. Our retreat is tailored to your unique challenges with time management, burnout, and boundaries, and provides personalized strategies that align with your goals for the brand new year.  
You are not alone in this journey, I am with you and so are all other amazing women like yourself. 

Taking Time for Yourself is an Investment 

This holiday season, it is so easy to forget about taking care of ourselves. But, trust me, those moments we carve out for self-care, whether it is a quiet cup of tea or a short walk, they will pay off big time.   

Do you want a stress-free and meaningful holiday season? Check out my FIVE essential boundaries crafted to help you maintain your sanity during this holiday. Be sure to explore my LATEST step-by-step guide—it is tailored to provide the peace-filled holiday season you genuinely deserve.    

So, here's a gentle reminder for you – take that time for yourself, my friend. Whether it is a few minutes of deep breaths, a cozy reading session, or just sitting in quiet reflection, make it a priority. It is not selfish; it is a gift you give to yourself, and it makes everything else more enjoyable. As the holiday hustle unfolds, remember to invest in your well-being.  

I wish you a holiday season filled with relaxation, joy, and moments that are truly yours. You deserve it! 

So, what are your go-to’s for self-care during the holiday that keep you feeling rejuvenated? I'd love to hear from you.  

Feeling stretched thin? I can show you 10 ways to get back TWO HOURS in your week!



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