BE 2024 Conference

Finding Your Why: How to Set Clear Priorities as a Woman Physician

clear boundaries clear priorities finding your why identifying core values setting priorities Nov 17, 2023
Image with a pink background and some white letters spelling

As women physicians, our unique journey in the medical field is nothing short of remarkable. Our paths are a testament to our inner strength, resilience, and unwavering determination. Regardless of the specialization we embrace, our presence leaves an indelible mark. We carry the dual roles of healers and nurturers, not only tending to the well-being of our patients but also navigating the intricate tapestry of our own lives. 

The challenges we encounter on this profound journey can be quite demanding. Yet, each challenge is an opportunity for us to showcase our ability to overcome adversity. However, with all the hustle and bustle, we must remember that, above all, we are only human. We deserve moments to pause and reflect, to connect with our true motivations and discover our "why." It is in these introspective moments that we understand our passion, priorities, and purpose in this life. 

The Importance of Finding Your Why 

Discovering our "why" is not only pivotal for personal fulfillment and growth but also plays a crucial role in setting clear boundaries, particularly for women physicians who face unique challenges in balancing their professional and personal lives. As a woman physician, understanding your "why" helps you delineate where your professional commitments end and your well-being begins. It provides a clear sense of purpose, enabling you to prioritize your time and resources aligned with your core values and goals. 

Understanding our "why" also serves as the cornerstone for setting firm boundaries. This empowers us to confidently decline requests and commitments that do not align with our true motivations. Once I discovered my "why," I found it easier to set clear life priorities. I realized that I didn't need to say "yes" to every opportunity or request that came my way.  Grounded in our purpose, we can be more adept at communicating our limits to colleagues, patients, and loved ones, warding off burnout and fatigue. This allows us to foster a harmonious work-life balance, letting our "why" lead the way in choosing opportunities and obligations that resonate with our values, all while thriving in our chosen field. 

There are moments when the demands of our career and life's complexities can leave us feeling adrift as if we have temporarily lost sight of our true purpose. It is during these critical junctures that we all yearn for guidance, a source of inspiration that can rekindle the passion we once felt when we chose this field. If ever you feel disconnected from your goals, keep your priorities together, or need time to reset and reconnect with yourself, the REVIVE: New Brave Enough Retreat 2024 is here to do that for you.  

REVIVE is tailored for women physicians who recognize the need for a transformation in their lives. It is designed for the dedicated professional who understands the importance of establishing significant boundaries and taking their journey to the next level.  

Happening in the beautiful Garza Blanca Resort and Spa in the vibrant setting of Cancun, Mexico from the 18th to the 21st of January 2024. This retreat features a completely new curriculum, location, and format. This is a transformative getaway to a beautiful 5-star all-inclusive resort designed to provide you with the tools you need to make that perfect reset and be the best version of yourself in 2024. All you need is to show up. 

5 Steps in Setting Clear Priorities 

Setting clear priorities as a woman physician can be a transformative step in achieving a balanced and fulfilling life. Here are five essential steps to help you establish and maintain clear priorities: 

Step 1: Identify Your Core Values and "Why" 

In the pursuit of a balanced and fulfilling life, the first step is to look within yourself and identify your core values.  

What are the guiding principles that define who you are as a physician and as an individual? 

What fuels your passion for medicine, and what matters most to you outside the walls of your practice?  

Your values and motivations are the heart and soul of your journey, forming the very foundation upon which you can build your priorities. For you, it might be the unwavering commitment to patient well-being, the pursuit of medical knowledge, or the desire to make a difference in the world. Perhaps it is the satisfaction of healing, the desire for a better world, or simply the love of learning. Your values and motivations are the roots that anchor and guide you in setting your priorities. 

Too busy to look within? My Time Management Course is tailored to help you carve out focused, uninterrupted periods for essential self-reflection like this. 

Step 2: Evaluate Your Roles and Responsibilities 

Now, let's get real. Life as a woman physician is multifaceted, and so are your roles and responsibilities. Take a deep breath and make an honest inventory of every hat you wear. We are not just medical practitioners; we are also an educator, a researcher, a partner, a parent, a friend – you name it, the list goes on.  

Jot down every task, from the intricate procedures you perform in the operating room to the comforting words you share with patients, from the parent-teacher meetings to late-night work emails.  Create a comprehensive list of all the tasks and responsibilities associated with each of these roles. By doing so, you will gain a holistic understanding of the roles you play in your daily life, both at work and at home. 

We all go through times when stress and distraction can make it challenging to see the roles we are meant to fulfill and the responsibilities that come with them. If you ever find yourself in this situation, my FREE destress toolkit is here offering the peace and clarity you need to rediscover your sense of purpose and gain a clear understanding of your roles and responsibilities. 

Step 3: Rank and Organize Your Priorities 

With your roles and responsibilities laid out before you, it is time to prioritize. Consider what aligns most closely with your core values and "why." Some of your duties are non-negotiable and fundamental to your identity, and professional mission. Others, while important, may not carry the same weight.  

By sorting your commitments into "essential," "important," and "less critical" categories, you can gain clarity on where your focus should lie. This is roadmap to investing your precious time in what truly matters and dedicating yourself to the things that align with your values and goals.  

Feeling a bit overwhelmed while trying to sort out your thoughts and figure out your life's priorities? Why not join me on my podcast for a moment your of reflection? With a range of personal topics, including self-improvement, setting goals, and self-care, I am confident you will discover some inspiration to help you align your priorities and make the most of your journey. 

Step 4: Set Clear Boundaries 

Boundaries are like our BFFs when it comes to keeping our priorities intact. Once you have figured out what matters most to you, it is important to draw a clear line between your work and personal life. Do not be afraid to openly and honestly communicate your limits to your colleagues, superiors, and even your loved ones. It is not about being selfish; it is about safeguarding your well-being and preserving what is most important.  

Learning to say "no" when necessary, can be our protective shield for our most cherished commitments. Remember, setting boundaries is an act of self-care and a way to keep a healthy balance between your professional and personal worlds. When you have well-defined boundaries, you will be equipped to navigate your priorities with more confidence and clarity. 

If you've ever found yourself wrestling with the challenge of drawing clear lines between your professional and personal life, then Brave Boundaries is here to guide you. My book offers invaluable tips and profound insights that will empower you to create and maintain healthy boundaries in all aspects of your life. 

Step 5: Regularly Review and Adjust 

Setting clear priorities is a fundamental aspect of navigating the complex journey of life. However, it is crucial to recognize that this process is not a static, one-time decision but rather a dynamic and ongoing evolution. Our priorities are subject to change as we move through the various seasons of our personal and professional life. Similar to the way nature transitions through different seasons, we, too, must adapt to the ever-shifting circumstances and challenges we encounter. Take the time to assess your progress.  

How have your priorities shaped your path? What successes have you achieved, and what challenges have you encountered?  

By consistently reviewing and fine-tuning our priorities, we avoid the pitfall of merely setting them and then forgetting about them. Instead, we actively engage in steering the course of our life. This approach ensures that we remain in sync with our evolving goals, aspirations, and circumstances. It allows us to remain flexible in the face of change and adaptive to new opportunities and challenges. 

Prioritize Yourself First 

Once we set our priorities clear, as women physicians, we possess the remarkable potential to become unstoppable forces in the medical world. The journey of a woman physician is an extraordinary one, filled with the unique challenges and opportunities that come with this profession. To truly thrive and excel, we must navigate our career paths with unwavering focus and determination, and this begins with setting our priorities straight. 

In the demanding field of medicine, where every day presents a new set of complex cases, and patients rely on our expertise and compassion, the ability to discern and define our priorities becomes paramount. It is not just about achieving professional success; it is about maintaining a harmonious balance between our personal and professional lives, ensuring that we do not lose sight of the things that matter most. 

This is what REVIVE has to offer. 

REVIVE stands as a beacon of support, offering guidance and mentorship to help us learn how to effectively set priorities in our lives. It recognizes the unique challenges we face and provides the tools and strategies we need to excel in our careers while maintaining a fulfilling personal life. As a woman physician, you are not just an expert in your field; you are also a multifaceted individual with responsibilities beyond the hospital or clinic walls. REVIVE acknowledges this duality and empowers you to strike that delicate balance. It is about realizing that being unstoppable does not mean sacrificing your well-being or personal life.  

When our priorities are well-defined, we gain a profound sense of control over our actions, decisions, and ultimately, our life's trajectory.  

So, prioritize yourself first and embrace the unstoppable woman physician within you. 

Feeling stretched thin? I can show you 10 ways to get back TWO HOURS in your week!



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